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Hilgreen Organ

Redman Organ



The Redman Tracker Organ
Redman Organ in First United Methodist Church - Canton, Texas

After the destruction of the Hilgreen-Lane Organ, although devastating, the First Methodist Church received an outpouring of support from the community and surrounding areas. The support came financially and prayerfully. Once the church recovered, plans were begun to provide a replacement for the Hilgreen-Lane organ. Nothing could replace the historical value of the instrument, however, the spirit of it's presence in our church could be revived through the installation of a new organ.   With the help of Mr. Redman, this was accomplished.  The same agreement was made as with the Hilgreen-Lane Organ, that it would be the church members that would build the organ under the guidance of Mr. Redman.  The following text was taken from the Program notes of the dedication of the Redman Tracker Organ....

The Redman Tracker Organ was designed by Roy Redman and built by Mr. Redman and his associates in his Fort Worth shop.  Several sets of pipes are old, some coming from the 1912 Hilgreen-Lane Organ formerly located in First Methodist Church, Canton, and others from various sources.  All old pipework was reworked to like-new condition and completely revoiced for this instrument.  New flue pipes came from Helmut Hempel of Cleveland and the Suddeutsche Orgelpfsifenfabrik of Freiberg-Beihingen, Germany.  The reeds were designed in collaboration with Roland Kilinger.  The instrument was voiced by Mr. Redman.

The organ may be described as classic in tonal and mechanical design, since it is inspired primarily by the organs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and from the European organ revival begun by Schweitzer and others, and continued in this country by Hofmann, Willing, Noehren and others.  It has mechanical key and stop action, slider windchests, low wind pressures, pipes voiced with mostly open toes and little nicking, and finally, it is located in a completely free-standing case to focus the tone and protect the instrument.  Resources, as limited by size and cost, are expanded somewhat by the inclusion of swell shades and some stops influenced by later periods.      <<Organ Specifications>>  <<Dedication Service>>  <<Dedicatory Recital>>





600 South Buffalo Street, Canton, Texas 75103

(903) 567-6528  FAX (903) 567-6529